Welcome to

Waterbrooke Church

Welcome to

Waterbrooke Church

We’re glad you’re here!

Our desire is that Waterbrooke Church will encourage you to live for Christ along with us as we aim to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love our neighbors as ourselves. We pray that God will allow us to become increasingly like Jesus Christ and to become a community that reflects God’s design for His church. We would love to help you come to find your greatest joy, peace and rest in God’s greatest gift – His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.


At Waterbrooke, we love to worship together as a church family. You can expect our Sunday gatherings to be intergenerational, joyful times of singing, praying, listening and learning from God’s Word. We hope that you will join us!

our mission

Captivated, Compelled & Called – Read more

OUr beliefs

Learn what we believe and teach.


Get to know our staff and leaders.

Plan a Visit

Times, Directions and more!