Waterbrooke Missions
Diego & Lauren De La Vega
We are the De La Vega family, and we’ve been part of Impacto Church in Tegucigalpa, Honduras for over 11 years. We are an ordinary family loved by an extraordinary God, and our mission is to help build God’s kingdom in Tegucigalpa along with our brothers and sisters at Iglesia Impacto.
We enjoy serving in the worship band, in women’s and men’s ministry, home-group, and discipleship.
We would love your prayers — that the Lord will continue to shape us into the image of Christ and deepen our understanding of His love for us, that we may love Him and others the same way He’s loved us.
“It is more blessed to give than to receive.” – Acts 20:35
karise pagano
I am Karise Pagano, an Italian-American missionary to Italy. I have been collaborating with Italian ministries since 2007; and living and serving in Italy full time since January 2013.
Less than 1% of Italians claim to be Evangelical Christian. That leaves only 1 professing Evangelical Christian for 250,000 fellow countrymen. Over 22,000 towns and villages throughout Italy are without even one known Evangelical Christian.
My vision is to see people living in Italy come to know the Lord as their Savior and to grow in their knowledge and understanding of Him. And to see them reach out into their families and communities, sharing Christ and discipling fellow Believers.
My mission is to go and make disciples by building relationships, sharing the Gospel with them, and discipling sisters in Christ as they learn and grow in the knowledge and understanding of our great God.
I also assist local ministries through business-practice consulting, administration, event planning, and translation services as we all work together to seek out and served God’s Redeemed in the country of Italy!
- Alleanza Tesori Raggianti (Anti-Trafficking Network)
- Alba Safe House and Recovery Program
- The Masterpiece Project Worship Music Ministry
I am sent out from Waterbrooke Christian Church through Entrusted Word Ministries and a member of Italian Ministries.
For more information or to partner with us, please visit www.Redenti.org or you can email me at info@redenti.org.