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Small Groups at waterbrooke

We help people connect to groups that love one another and live out the gospel of Jesus Christ—together. Home Groups are a space where you get to grow in community with God and one another, using the gifts that the Lord has given you to build up the body of Christ....

Fighter Verses


Growing by the Water

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Statement of faith

Waterbrooke Statement of Faith GOD'S WORD -We believe that the Bible Is the infallible Word of God inerrant in the original manuscripts and Is our singular authority in all matters of faith, doctrine and Christian living. (II Timothy 3: 16; II Peter 1 :20, 21) GOD'S...

What Is a Covenant?

A covenant is generally defined as "a written agreement or promise usually under seal between two or more parties especially for the performance of some action." Within the Scriptures, we find a number of examples of covenants, some between God and man (Gen. 6, 9, 15;...