our vision
our vision
our vision
Waterbrooke seeks to be a gospel-centered multiethnic family that is captivated by Jesus, compelled to love others, and called to make disciples to the glory of God.
what is the gospel
The gospel is the good news of God’s grace invading the darkness of this world. It is the grand narrative of creation, fall, redemption, and consummation ordained by God and orchestrated through the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ. Christ’s crucifixion is the heart of the gospel. His resurrection is the power of the gospel. His ascension is the glory of the gospel.
Spiritual gifts survey
What Is Baptism?
Baptism declares that you are a follower of Jesus Christ. It is a public confession of your faith in, and commitment to, Jesus Christ. It is the next step after salvation through repentance and faith and is an important foundation...
Become a covenant Partner
We’re excited to have you consider Waterbrooke Church as the place you want to belong. Our Covenant Partnership Class is the place to go to hear about what we believe God is up to in the world, what He is doing at Waterbrooke Church, and it also provides us an...
Statement of faith
Waterbrooke Statement of Faith GOD'S WORD -We believe that the Bible Is the infallible Word of God inerrant in the original manuscripts and Is our singular authority in all matters of faith, doctrine and Christian living. (II Timothy 3: 16; II Peter 1 :20, 21) GOD'S...