In this sermon, we are going to study Psalm 103. We are meant to hear in this Psalm Jesus’ voice calling to us to rejoice in Yahweh, the Lord! Why? Because He loves us unconditionally in Christ.
We live in a world where love is hard to find and it is especially hard to keep. People are fickle. Friends are often fickle. What makes it especially challenging is that we are sinners and so, there are often good reasons for why people struggle with us. Psalm 103 is glorious for the simple reason – God is glorious. He is unlike anyone else. Psalm 103:10 reads, “He does not deal with us according to our sin, nor repay us according to our iniquities.” That should stun us. He pursued us when others wouldn’t. He rescued us from our guilt and shame when we deserved judgment and condemnation. God’s love (hesed) is as “high as the heavens are above the earth” (Psalm 103:11).
This Sunday’s message is called “The Unfailing Love of the King.”
We are going to study the Psalms in a series called “Sing to the King.” The psalms are a collection of songs and prayers meant to guide Israel through the long struggle with their own sin and their experience of exile without a King to guide and to shepherd them.
The Psalms invoke an eager expectation that God is sending a righteous King who will faithfully lead and shepherd His people. These deep hopes and longings are realized in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Much like Israel, we still struggle with personal sin and a world of injustice. We still groan in what sometimes seems like a long season of
silence from God. But as New Testament Christians, we have a King who has
come, has conquered and who now reigns. That King is also coming soon to make all things new. The psalms are meant to make us look to Jesus as the King who fulfills all the longings and needs of his people. Jesus is the King who saves us from our sins and leads us in triumphal procession. He is coming to reign over all the earth. Come and celebrate and “Sing to the King” with us this summer. It is going to be a blessing to be together and to encourage one another in the Lord.