Kevin Dibbley - October 27, 2024

"Repentance and Restoration" | Acts 3:1-26

This sermon is taken from Acts 3. Luke recounts the story of the first healing miracle in the book of Acts. Peter and John encounter a lame man who is begging for alms at a place in the temple called “The Beautiful Gate.” Here’s the great news: Jesus is the Beautiful Gate opening to a glorious new creation. That lame man represents all of us spiritually. More than just us, the lame man represents a lame world. Sin has broken us. It has deeply shattered the world. But with the resurrection and ascension of Jesus, everything is about to change. Sin has been defeated. Christ has been exalted. He is now making all things beautiful through the gospel. The gospel is not just the announcement of sin being forgiven. It is the glorious news of God’s cosmic restoration project. For our world where sin and war and trauma and brokenness dominate the horizons of our lives, the gospel is really gloriously good news. Come this Sunday, as we listen to the apostle Peter preach his second sermon in the book of Acts and as he announces how great the good news is and how we can be a part of it as His people. Our sermon is called Repentance and Restoration.

Scripture References: Acts 3:1-26

From Series: "No Other Name"

The book of Acts is a careful recording of the advancement of the kingdom of God into the Gentile world despite hostility and hardship. We constantly need to be encouraged and reminded that the mission of God happens through the unlikeliest of people (ie., Saul of Tarsus) in some of the most hostile environments. This happens precisely because our God reigns. Where are some of the hardest places that we least expect the gospel to advance? Who are you least hopeful would respond to the message of Christ? Waterbrooke Church’s mission statement is this: Waterbrooke seeks to be a gospel-centered multi-ethnic family that is captivated by Jesus, compelled to love others, and called to make disciples to the glory of God. What brings more glory to God than the salvation of the least likely people and peoples?

Repentance adn Restoration

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